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New Year's Resolutions: For Your Home
January 2, 2024

New Year's Resolutions: For Your Home

As we enter the new year and all of 2024 awaits, we set goals for future successes and resolutions for the betterment of ourselves and those around us. Our homes should not be forgotten in this exercise. In the words of minimalist guru Marie Kondo, "The objective of cleaning is not just to clean, but to feel happiness living within that environment." 

We've included 5 New Year's Resolutions to consider this year for a healthy and happy home!

1) Safety First. Ensure that the safety features in your home such as smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, security components, and door locking mechanisms are all in good working order. Best practice is to change the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors twice a year. Changing your air filters every 90 days is also recommended (more frequently if you have any pets or live in a dusty, dry climate).

2) Reduce Expenses. Newly constructed homes often come with these energy and resource saving items. However, if you're in an older home you should consider switching your light bulbs to long-lasting LED, upgrading to low-flow toilets and showerheads, and installing programmable thermostats to reduce energy usage. 

3) Declutter for Clarity. As years pass in any given home, it is easy to accumulate mountains of stuff. Spend some time purging areas such a closets, kitchen cabinets and drawers, and even the garage, to discard any unused or unnecessary items. A good rule of thumb, if you haven't used it in over a year, it should probably go. 

4) Regular Cleaning. It's easy to let cleaning fall by the wayside and can pile up on the "to-do list." If you break it down to daily tasks such as doing the dishes each night and making sure your dirty clothes make it to the hamper, it keeps everything in its assigned place. Then you can focus on bigger weekly items such as surface cleaning. Focus on one area at a time each week and your entire home will be done it no time! 

5) Visitor Ready. The idea of an unexpected visitor can send many homeowners running. However, by following the tips above and adding a few inviting touches will help create a space you would be proud to show off at a moments' notice. You don't have to invest in a major renovation to do so, sometimes simply rearranging furniture, adding dramatic accents like pillows and rugs, incorporating greenery whether real or faux, and of course a signature scent will create a luxury haven perfect for entertaining!

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